20% Project Week 1: caricatures

This week was great I started learning the basics of caricature with some YouTube videos and even started drawing my caricatures! A success I had during this process was being able to actually start drawing one of my classmates which I didn’t think I would be able to do yet. This week was a great week and I didn’t have any struggles at all. Because I finished some videos early I changed my plan and actually started drawing I also was able to do a little more then half of my classmates face before the time was up! Next week I will try and master photo caricatures and maybe even start live in person caricatures with different people and genders I will also try to master drawing hair on my caricatures which I found pretty hard. Eventually I want to be able to do fast live caricatures like at amusement parks.

Gooblation Islands

Deep in the jungles in the middle of the Gooblation islands it is rumored to have one of the most intelligent animals in the world. Smarter than Einstein, smarter than William Sidis. Even smarter than you. His name was Cheez also known as the Grilled Cheese Monkey. It is said that all he eats is the grilled cheese that grows on his special tree’s. The only two people who ever dared to go their was never seen again and today I will be going but first I need to take my flying car driving test. It has taken me 2 years to finish this test but now I completed it. I finally get to go. On my way I see some amazing sites like the underwater city of Atlantis and a whole island with purple sand until I was finally here Gooblation island one of the most beautiful islands ever

The Best Job Ever

My dream job when I’m older would definitely be a professional baseball player. I would be a baseball player because I love the game and it would be so fun to wake up everyday to practice and play baseball. It would also be so fun to interact with my fans and sign baseballs. I would also love to make money when I play so I can have a great life.

Rad Reading – March

This month I read Eulalia! A Redwall Novel, by Brian Jacques. This book is about a young badger who’s grandparents that were raising him got killed by pirates. He got taken and was on their ship for a long time without food or water until they found land. The place the pirates found was a mystical place called mossflower. In mossflower their is a huge abbey known as Redwall abbey. The ship docks on a beach and the badger wants to escape. I love this story because it teaches you greatness can come from the darkest places. My favorite character is the tabura because he is so wise and thinks thing through. One quote to demonstrate this is “Tabura is the title given only to the wisest of badgers who seek a lifetime’s worth of knowledge.” My favorite quote is “Don’t be ashamed to weep; ’tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also.” This is my favorite quote because it shows it’s ok to cry.

Rad Reading – February

this month I read High Rhulain, by Brian Jacques. This book is about a young females otter named Tiria. Tiria I destined to be “High Rhulain” in a far away land named green isle. Green isle is a place where many otter clans live. Long ago it was captured by a cat named Riggs Felis and his army and it is up to Tiria to go to green isle to and save the other otters. I love this book cause it is filled with adventure and sadness. I always feel connected to these books. My favorite character was Cuthbert because he was always so brave and he had a sad backstory. One quote to prove this is, “ Major Cuthbert is one of the most perilous beasts I know.” My favorite quote is, “Any weapon is a good weapon as long as ye can use it with honor and skill.” I like this quote because it tells us that it doesn’t matter what you have it matters what you do with it.

Day of Invisibility

I am invisible! These are the three things I would do in twenty-four hours. The first thing I would do is go to the nearest store. I would want to go there because I would take a lot of yummy treats and eat them without anyone knowing! The second thing I would do is go to all of my friends houses and prank them. The last thing I would do is secretly go on a plane to Hawaii with my family and stay there for a long time.

Arizona Potato Keeper

This is a tale of sorrow and despair for a young man named Po Ta To. Po lived in Arizona and he called himself the great zookeeper of the potato. Every day Po loved to go outside every day and check on his giant potato farm. He had over 5 acres of land all filled with planted potato’s. One day Po went outside to see if he could harvest any potato’s and to his great surprise, in the ground right in front of his small wooden house their was the biggest potato he had ever seen he ran straight outside to get his potato measure. He came outside and measured his potato. It was 3 feet long and 2 feet long. He took it inside and inside standing right by the doorway was a man’s in a ski mask. The ski mask man stole the potato and ran away. For the rest of his life Po wept in his bedroom and never harvested another potato again.


My life is crazy. First I get to go to the circus next thing I know I am in a cannon and they shoot me out. I was in the air for about thirty minutes when I hit the ground in Africa I thought that would be it but I just bounced off the ground and back into the air. This time I hit the moon and bounce right off after saying hi ti the astronauts there. I was still in the air when i started thinking this might never end when I crash right onto a bear. The bear is gets very mad and he throws me all the way across the world to an abandoned island in the middle of nowhere. I’ve been on this island for about a week now hoping a boat would go by but none did. My island is a pretty small island with i tiny lush forest with about 15 trees, the sand is pure white which complements the beautiful crystal clear blue water surrounding the island. Anyway I have to do my daily routine. First I pick my teeth with a pointy piece of bark then I wash my hair with stream water from a nearby stream, then I go pick a ripe coconut for me and my pet Kobe the king cobra to eat. Today I made my first discovery, a rock that looks like a human. I could barely see it behind all the overgrown green grass so as I got closer I found out it was a human! Turns out he had been here for 5 years. The next day a boat came by and we became friends and we lived happily ever after.

Dumbledore’s Quote

To me this is what this quote means. The first thing I got from this quote is that everyone has to face the choice between right and easy and most people do what is easy. Another thing I got from this is that the easy way is always the way that most people go because it is easy. On the other hand the right way is the way that is harder but it is the right thing to do. The last thing I got from this quote is that even if the easy way may sound like the better because it is easy it is always better to go the right way. This quote applies to me because I usually try to do what is right even though it is harder so I always feel better about myself.

Rad Reading – January

In January I read Rakkety Tam A Redwall Series, by Brian Jacques. Rakkety Tam is about Tam, a warrior who pledged his sword to a foolish squirrel king. The kings kingdom is raided and the only way Tam can get his sword back is to return a flag the raiders stole from them. I like this book because it is so fun and Redwall books always are so exciting and adventurous. My favorite character is doogy plumm because he is fearless. One quote to prove he is fearless is “Wild Doogy Plumm, the brave squirrel.” This shows he is brave and therefore fearless. My favorite quote from this book is, “ in our imagination we can go anywhere.” This is a good quote because it tells us the power of imagination.