The Best Dad Ever

My hero is my dad. The first reason my dad is my hero is because he always supports me in any decision I make whether it is about sports or school or anything. The second reason my dad is my hero is because he would always take time out of his day to do extra sports work with me. Finally my dad is my hero because he sets such a great example for me and my brother and showing us what hard work and determination can get you.

Rad Reading – December

This month I read Loamhedge: A Redwall Series, by Brian Jacques. Loamhedge is about a young hare named Martha who came to Redwall abbey getting carried by her mother because she was only an infant. Now many many seasons (years) later Martha has a problem, she can’t walk. This story is about Horty (Martha’s brother) and his friends who set off on an adventure to Loamhedge because apparently it has the secret to make Martha able to walk. I love this book because it has lots of funny moments but it is also serious and adventurous. My favorite character is Bragoon because he is a hero and he is adventurous. One quote to prove this is, “ Saro and Bragoon were the most adventurous beasts I’ve ever Seen.” My favorite quote is “Friendship is the greatest gift one can give to another.” this shows the value of friendship.

My One Word

This year I am going to focus on the word determined. One of the reasons I choose determined was because I want to be determined with the sports I play. More specifically I want to be on time to every practice and every day I want to check when and where my practices are. Another reason I choose this word is because at school I want to keep up all a’s. Usually every year I have one b+ but I want to change that. The third reason wanted to use this word is because I want to be more determined with my strength. Every day I used to do 35 push-ups each day but now I don’t so I want to get back into that habit.

The Perfect School Day

If I was principle for a day this is what I would do. The first thing I would do is hand out full size Milky Way bars to everybody that comes in because that is my favorite treat. The second thing I would do is make the snack time 20 minutes because I always think it’s to short. The third thing I would do is make the snacks freshly baked so it is always good. The fourth thing I would do is make the lunches better by having orange chicken more and bringing back the pizza. I think that some of the lunches aren’t very good and pizza would make it way better. The last thing I would do is give everybody chairs at the assembly’s because I feel like it is always really hot and my legs hurt every time I get up. I I were a principle for a day this is what I would do.


Hi I’m Fred the mighty color changing chameleon and I’m in a research facility right now. Let me tell you how I got here. I was just walking in the woods minding my own business when I heard a nice cricket chirping. I hadn’t had breakfast yet so I thought I might get a little snack. The cricket was far off so I set off on an adventure to find it. The chirping got closer and closer until finally it was right next to me. I could smell the sweet smell if a delicious, fat cricket but somehow I couldn’t see it. Eventually when I thought it was a ghost I looked up and there it was! On a branch right above my head. I started climbing thinking of the delicious taste of a juicy cricket. When I finally got up their I opened my mouth, shot out my tongue and got it. The sweet, crunchy, amazing taste of it. Ohh their nothing better until I heard footsteps. Oh gosh I’m done for, I better blend in with my mighty powers. When I finally saw the scientist I was confident my powers would work right? I thought that until he looked at me right in the eyes.

Rad Reading- November

This month I read taggerung, by Brian Jacques. Taggerung is about a baby otter that gets kidnapped by a tribe called the Juska. They kill his dad and take him to there camp where he grows up with them. He learns how to survive and use weapons and gets permanent face tattoos of a juska. He eventually want to find his birthplace so he sets off on an adventure, but that comes at a cost. I loved this book because it was so adventurous and funny and i always want to keep reading more. My favorite character is Deyna because he is so brave and never lets down a challenge. One quote that demonstrates that he is brave is, “Step aside? I step aside for nobeast.” this shows that he is not afraid to stand up for himself. My favorite quote from the book is, “Marvellous places, kitchens. Full of food, y’know,” because I also like kitchens.


I am so thankful for three things this year. The first thing is my parents, my parents have always pushed me to do what I want in life and they always want me to do good in school. The second thing I am thankful for is my dog Theo, Theo always wants to sit on my lap and always gives me kisses. The last thing I am thankful for is a home, a lot of people don’t have homes so we are lucky to have one. These three things are what I love most in life and I’m so glad to have them.

Three Wishes

A genie has given me three wishes! With my first wish I would want infinite money so I can buy whatever I want. With my second wish I would wish for their to be no homelessness. My third wish would be for my family to live forever I want to do everything life has to offer.

Rad Reading October

In October I read, The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by, Stacy Mcanulty. This book is about a girl that was struck by lightning giving her “super brain powers” she aces all of her homeschool quizzes and she wants to go straight to college. Her nana on the other hand thinks middle school would be good for her and makes a promise she can go to any school after she makes 1 friend, reads 1 fantasy book, and finish one year of middle school. I like this book because it makes you go through an emotional roller coaster it is fun but sometimes sad. My favorite character is Windy because she is a dreamer on page 109 it Windy says, “we’re going to save thousands of animals.” My favorite quote is when Lucy says, “I’m good at math. I’m great with numbers. But I don’t know why this bothers you, Maddie. That is something I can’t figure out.” This is only a part of the dialogue that Lucy says but it signifies that Lucy has had enough.

If I Were Somebody Else

I would trade places with Jeffrey Bezos for so many reasons. One of those reasons is so I could buy whatever snacks I want. I would buy lost of cheese balls and Nutella and cheez-it puffed. Another reason I want to be Jeffrey Bezos is so I cat buy as much expensive Pokémon cards as I want. The next reason I want to be Jeffrey is so I can travel to wherever I want on my private jet. The last reason I want to be him is so I can donate to any charity a lot of money.